Modular pump stations
from 150€ for m2
Цена за контейнер 6м from 150€ for m2руб.Contact us on +7 921 900 84 52 or [email protected]
The Modular Solutions Group of Companies is
factory placement
> 4500м2
production areas
block containers per month
welders and assemblers
years we worked
completed orders
Block buildings9
Block containers8
Mobile Solutions33
Office modular buildings allow to quickly organize a working space of any size and configuration. Ergonomic oupenspeys or two-, three-storey office complex for a large organization. Presentable sales office, practical headquarters building, a spacious hall meetings - modular buildings technology allows you to quickly and inexpensively create a comfortable environment for the workflow.
Our production company specializes in the implementation of individual and unique projects of modular buildings and block containers, and not just only standard solutions.
Please read our material about the differences between the factory sandwich panel and the typeset panel.
Versatility linings can create in working or office complexes all types of premises required for komfortnoyraboty people: the offices of the office staff, engineers, administration or management, open workspaces – oupenspeysy, coworking, kyubikly – office space with poluperegorodkami, meeting rooms, classrooms, auditoriums, headquarters, lectures, medical offices, canteens, gyms, etc Office modular buildings prefabricated maximum established as soon as possible “turnkey” and includes all the necessary engineering systems: heating, lighting, water (including stand-alone.), drainage and electrical wiring. On request equipped with furniture and equipment.
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