Construction town

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Construction town from 200€ for m2

Цена за контейнер 6м from 200€ for m2 руб.

A residential building site on a construction site is a great way to organize comfortable living conditions and providing working conditions for a team of workers and builders. Also, the construction camp will be useful in shift camps belonging to extractive companies and enterprises located in hard-to-reach places.



Our production company specializes in the implementation of individual and unique projects of modular buildings and block containers, and not just only standard solutions.


  • The price is for the standard size of the container container is 6.00x2.42x2.59 m.
  • To get the specific cost of a block container or a modular building, contact our managers for a detailed calculation.
  • Base prices for block containers can be found here.


  • Transport company in Russia and Europe
  • Pickup
About our production Finishing

Please read our material about the differences between the factory sandwich panel and the typeset panel.



Large-scale construction away from the necessary infrastructure forces project managers to think: how and where to create living conditions for their workers.To ensure the builders with the necessary living and working conditions, temporary construction towns are being designed and built-a group of modular residential and household buildings. Depending on the needs of the customer, there may be a different number of modular toilets, dining rooms and office premises in a residential town.

On the construction site, small towns consist of modular buildings, which in turn consist of block-modules and block-containers, and the assembly and layout of each container can be absolutely any. For example, for office premises, it is recommended to use a container of sandwich panels – ML Lux, and for the construction of a residential town in the extreme north conditions – the northern block container MN North is used. The latter is well insulated and allows saving on heating of modular buildings.

To create block-modules we use materials that have a long service life. The frame of containers is also designed for certain operating conditions and, if the customer so desires, can be strengthened.

A construction town is a great way to accommodate workers in shift camps.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52