Technical block container for water treatment equipment

Technical block container for water treatment equipment

In 2018-2019 Our company produced a complex of modular buildings to accommodate water treatment equipment for the needs of a Russian gas company. The design of the block containers made it possible to equip them with equipment at our production facility and to transport them to the place of operation ready-made.

Below are some characteristics of the delivered block containers:
– The thickness of the sandwich panels is 150 mm.
– Mortgages from a pipe 40×40 with welded eyes for technical equipment
– Reinforced frame
– Reinforcement of the floor for the task of water treatment with a calculated stationary load – 2000 kg per m2
– The building of a special construct two-story non-standard height – 4.56 m.
– Tray with a floor drain for condensate drainage
– Reinforced roof of each block container
– Fire gate 1600×2000 mm

Our company carries out orders for technical containers for equipment of any complexity. We specialize in unique projects.

Prices for block containers can be found here. For individual calculation of a commercial proposal, please contact our managers by e-mail [email protected] or by phone +7 (812) 900-84-52.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52