Office block containers for the enterprise

Office block containers for the enterprise

Over the past years, Modular Solutions has been supplying our regular eastern counterparty with block containers for various purposes for the construction of a large enterprise in the North-West. The list of block containers includes modular offices, foremen’s containers, sanitary block containers (modular toilets, showers) and other technical premises.

Блок-контейнеры объединяет тип стен – стены блок-контейнеров выполнены из трехслойной заводской сендвич-панели толщиной 100 мм.

Block containers are united by the type of walls – the walls of block containers are made of a three-layer factory sandwich panel 100 mm thick.

If you need to purchase a turnkey modular building, please contact our managers in a way convenient for you: by phone, e-mail or through the feedback form on our website.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52