Block buildings9
Block containers8
Mobile Solutions33
- Guard cabins & Security units
- Cabins for construction sites
- Modular houses & Sauna
- Sales offices, Retail Units
- Cafes, Kitchens, Restaurants
- Toilet containers
- Shower containers
- Laboratory containers
- Boiler rooms & steamshops
- Modular pump stations
- Tire repair & Car washes
- Storage units
- Ticket booths & Kiosks
- Locker-room containers
- Food station
- Sales office
- Construction headquarters
- Modular garage
- Modular cottage
- Modular sauna
- Sanitary checkpoint
- Modular car wash
- Kiosks
- Modular Pavilion
- Production buildings
- Walk-through
- Water supply units
- Modular hotels
- Modular car service
- Office container
- Feldsher Obstetric Points
- Modular heating point
- Water treatment container
Economic blockEconomic block
To date, more and more owners of country houses prefer to install on their site farmhouses country. This is explained by their advantages, among which one can single out the simplicity of design, its maintenance, installation speed and durability.
In addition, the household block is cheaper to buy than to build a concrete building and, in consequence, to serve it. In this article, it is described in more detail, its features are revealed and some recommendations for assembling on the site are given.
Economic block with a firewood operator
As for the peculiarities, it is worth mentioning that the household units for dachas are made taking into account the most rational use of space. Often, in such buildings, owners place instrumentals, or use them as a garage for small vehicles (motorcycles or bicycles). Thanks to the steel frame, the hozblock on the site can be placed only on several piles or on concrete blocks.
Moreover, such buildings have standard sizes. Due to this, it is possible to combine the number and location of such buildings on the site. Module houses hosbloky are very popular, because they are easy and quick to transport, and their installation does not take much time. Some decide to build in the shower and toilet blocks. Such a hozblok with a shower can last for a long time if the metal is completely coated. A household unit with a toilet must be equipped with a high-quality ventilation system. Otherwise, it can weaken the metal and cause it to deform.
Economic block with a toilet at the cottage
Most often, the hozblok is assembled at the plant, and is already transported to the customer in ready-made form. However, some models have in their design a separate part of the frame, which is fastened by the studs to the concrete base. Such models are designed for a high load, so they are made of thicker steel with a reinforced frame. Their units can be assembled as whole garages – both single-storey and two-storey. In order to safely install the hozblok on your site, it is best to use special equipment and prepare a solid foundation, exactly the same size as the frame of the structure.
On the Internet you can easily find a household appliance inexpensively. This can be done both on the websites of companies that provide such products, and on various bulletin boards. With proper and timely maintenance such a hozblok will last for a long time, without causing any special problems.
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