Technical block containers made of sandwich panels

Technical block containers made of sandwich panels

In the fall of 2021, our company supplied technical block containers made of MTL series sandwich panels. Block containers were produced for our regular customer.

The process of assembling the frame of block containers:

Characteristics of technical block modules:

Size: 5.00 x 2.30 x 2.64
Color of sandwich panels RAL 9002 light gray, frame color – 6002 Deciduous green
A block-container with walls made of factory sandwich panels with additional embedments from a 40×20 pipe and an 80×40 channel for attachments (electrical cabinets). Also installed technical holes with a sleeve and a wire cable tray.
Entrance doors Metal, fireproof, insulated with a lock and a through hole 177х177
Valberg EI-60, color RAL 7038
Floor construction: CBPB + antistatic linoleum. At the place of installation of electrical cabinets, the floor was reinforced with a 3 mm metal sheet.
Painting the frame with special paint in 3 layers.

Block containers ready for shipment:

Modular Solutions company helps to implement complex projects of technical modular buildings. For several years, our specialists have had a constant practice of interacting with the implementation of complex high-load models of block containers and modules for equipment placement.

More information about the series of technical block containers made of sandwich panels can be found here.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52