Typical office block container in St. Petersburg

Typical office block container in St. Petersburg

In the fall of 2021, for the needs of an asphalt concrete plant, we supplied a typical office block-container in St. Petersburg.

Office module characteristics:

Size: 6.00 x 2.42 x 2.59 m
Walls: external finish – metal profiled sheet С-8 RAL 9002, internal – laminated chipboard.
Floor: logs – timber 40×100, DSP + wear-resistant linoleum.
Ceiling: double seam connection of roofing pictures.

The group of companies “Modular Solutions” is engaged in the production and supply of modules, block containers and buildings for various purposes and tasks.

You can learn more about our office block containers here.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52