Two-piece technical container block

Two-piece technical container block

In the spring of 2019, a two-piece technical container block with dimensions of 5.00 x 2.30 x 2.59 m was manufactured for the needs of an engineering company.

The production process of the container block frame:


The block container has walls from factory sandwich panels with additional mortgages from a 40×20 pipe and a 80×40 channel for attachments (electrical cabinets). There are also technical holes with a sleeve and a wire tray for cables, metal entrance doors, fireproof, heated with a lock and a through hole 177×177 Valberg EI-60, the floor is a 3 mm corrugated steel sheet.

Technical unit-containers, as a rule, are made for the placement of special equipment. More information about the characteristics of such containers can be found here.

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