Stadium infrastructure block containers

Stadium infrastructure block containers

At the end of 2020, our company supplied several block containers for the stadium of the National Football League club. The block containers are branded and made in the colors of the football club. Toilets for men and women, a cash desk and a storage room were installed.

The package included electrical, lighting, heating and plumbing.

Technical details of block containers:

  • Frame: Upper frame profile 185x85x3 special, bent
  • Lower frame channel bar 120x50x3
  • Corner posts special profile 170x150x3, bent
  • Floor joists steel channel 100x50x3
  • Finishing floor: wear-resistant linoleum with waterproofing
  • Interior wall decoration: VLDSP (white)

The Modular Solutions company is engaged in the production and supply of block containers and modular buildings for various purposes. Send us a technical assignment, our managers will advise on materials, layout and optimal dimensions for cost-effective delivery of modules.

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МОДУЛЬНЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ Санкт-Петербург, Звенигородская улица 22.о [email protected] +7 921 900 84 52